
Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 19, 2015 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Today — as Mercury sextiles the North Node and trines the South Node — is a good day for connecting with others and putting your heads together to bring a project to fruition.

The Three of Pentacles — this version from Nathalie Hertz’s Vampire Tarot — joins companionship and camaraderie with work and productivity. It refers to the bringing together of like-minded people in a business or financial capacity. It’s about networking, collaborating and team-building.

It’s a card of cooperation and coordination. Bringing all of the necessary elements together — and adding your own unique contributions to the mix.

The Three of Pentacles also represents progress. Seeing the fruits of your labors come to life. And overseeing your efforts from start to finish, much like the three bats in this card are watching over the young Vampiress.

If you’re involved in a project that could benefit from someone else’s expertise, don’t be afraid to ask. And don’t be afraid to offer your assistance to those who might need it as well. You may just need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.

The Three of Pentacles — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace) put it into production (the Two) and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three). It says you should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 14, 2015 — Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Today you may feel like you’re hitting your mark and making progress in everything you set your mind to. It may seem like things are starting to come together for you as you see your plans beginning to take shape.

It’s a good day to put your head together with like-minded people and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Coins is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

This card is about hitting your stride and seeing the early results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Coins — like all Threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and see it turning into something of value (the Three).

This version of the card — from the Chinese Tarot by Jui Guoliang — depicts this energy beautifully with the figure in the card pulling back his arrow and aiming it at his target, which are three golden coins dangling from a tree.

His aim is so precise and so focused that there’s no doubt he’ll hit his mark, and may even take all three of them out in one felled swoop. This is the attitude you want to keep with you today as you set your sites on achieving your goals.

The Three of Coins says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone. It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.



Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 8, 2015 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

You may feel like things are starting to come together for you today as you see your plans beginning to fall into place.

It’s a good day to put your head together with like-minded people and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Pentacles is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

This card is about hitting your stride and seeing the early results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Pentacles — like all Threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and see it turning into something of value (the Three).

This version of the card — from Dana Driscoll’s gorgeous Tarot of Trees — depicts this energy beautifully in its stark simplicity. The three trees merge together in the center, their pentacles melding into one and supporting one another at the top.

The Three of Pentacles says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone. It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.

August 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Ten of Cups

ARIES: Ten of Cups

This month you want to remember to count your blessings, knowing that you’ve come to a place in your life where you’re aware of what (and whom) truly matters most.

The Ten of Cups tells you that you’ve achieved something worth acknowledging and celebrating, as seen in the imagery of this card. It represents fulfillment and security; a solid foundation of abundance and prosperity, and the sense that you have built something you can take pride in.

This extends well beyond financial or material security. It’s more about family, lasting friendships and a sense of comfort — in your home and your community — surrounded by people you love.

In this version of the card, from the Morgan Greer Tarot, we see two strong arms — a man’s and a woman’s — lifting a golden chalice up in a show of harmony and unity.

A colorful rainbow pours into the chalice, while nine more cups are lined up like a staircase behind them, reminding us of the steps that have been taken to lead us to where we are today. The landscape behind them is serene and peaceful, with lush verdant hillsides and trees. Even the surface of the water is calm.

The Ten of Cups is all about embracing all you’ve established through your connections and interactions with others. It’s about happiness and security in the areas that matter most — with family, friends and loved ones.

This is not the time to think about what is lacking in your life but rather what makes it complete. And while you don’t want to be resting on your laurels, it’s important to acknowledge those who are most important to you and who keep your cup continuously full.

July 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Three of Pentacles

ARIES: Three of Pentacles

July is a good month to join heads with like-minded people in the spirit of community and cooperation. The Three of Pentacles — this version from the Cheimonette Tarot — is all about team-work, group efforts and collaboration. It’s a reminder that two (3 or 4) heads are better than one and that none of us can achieve alone what we can achieve with others.

Although many aspects of this card emphasize friendship and celebration, this one focuses more on integrating the disparate parts of self. Body, Mind and Spirit come to mind. The Three Pentacles in this version contain a Sun Face, an Eye and a panoramic scene with yogi and horse figures.

The disks are all interconnected with the Sun disk shining a little brighter over the other two. A crescent moon with another eye rests below the three disks. In addition to teamwork and collaboration, the Three of Pentacles also speaks of hitting your stride and seeing the initial results of something you’ve been working hard on.

It speaks of breathing new life into a project or finding the “key” to something that has been puzzling you and holding you back. The Three of Pentacles — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two) and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 23, 2015 — Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Today is a good day to put your head together with others and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Coins is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

It’s about hitting your stride and seeing initial results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Coins — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

The imagery in this card describes this process beautifully. All three of these creatures are working together in harmony, with the central figure holding a coin that has a Full Moon inscribed on it while the other two are presenting him with coins of their own: one with a crescent (New) Moon and the other a crescent (Balsamic) Moon. These three phases of the Moon refer to the stages of a project from start to finish.

There’s an interdependence depicted here and a camaraderie. Each of these figures needs the others and all of them are contributing equally.

It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.

The Three of Coins says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 21, 2014 –Three of Stones

Three of Stones

Three of Stones

There is wisdom and then there is being wiser. As the Sun goes into Capricorn today we see Uranus turning direct.

This means that just as things start to get more practical and grounded for you Uranus comes in like lightening and could shake them all back up.

If there is anything that you have been trying to put into action lately today may be the day to do it on.

You have all the answers you need, you have all the resources you need and the only thing you perhaps need is a bit of a push in jumping off that ledge and doing it.

Uranus turning direct today will give you that push even if you want it or not.

Whatever you do decide to do today know that it comes from deep within you and if you look at the owls in this image you can see they are actually under the tree and form part of the tree’s root system.

Your own beliefs will also support and feed you today.

It is important to listen to any thoughts you are having as they will send you in the right direction and further fuel the fire inside you to get things done.

You might also want to keep in mind that if you hold back and don’t do what needs done then you may be forced into doing it kicking and screaming at some point in the future and if this is the case you will not hold as much power over your actions as you would if you made the decision yourself.

There is more than one way to watch a plan take action and the first step starts with wisdom.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 30, 2014 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

It’s time to take your own power back and use it in a way that best suits you!

Today is about energy… specifically your own energy and what you do with it.

Are you letting it leach out and having it taken by others who you are doing everything for whilst at the same time getting nothing in return?

Or are you using that energy to turn your dreams into reality and shower yourself with the many benefits this can in turn give you?

These are the questions you need to be asking yourself today.

By asking yourself these questions and taking your own thoughts, needs and wants into the equation of your answer you can harness your own energy and have it working for you rather than against you.

What is your dream? How far along have you traveled in accomplishing it?

The many facets of the peacocks feathers in this image suggest that there are multi layers to what you are wishing to accomplish and the yellows suggest mental agility in realizing what you need to do next.

All eyes are on you… or are they? Notice that you are only see one half of the picture in this image. What are the peacock’s feet doing, where are they placed and for that matter what is the other half of the body of the man doing?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 18, 2014 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Today is a good day to join heads with like-minded people in the spirit of community and cooperation.

The Three of Pentacles is all about team-work, group efforts and collaboration. It’s a reminder that two (three, or four, etc.) heads are better than one and that none of us can achieve alone what we can achieve with others. Although many aspects of this card emphasize friendship and celebration, this one focuses more on integrating the disparate parts of self. Body, Mind and Spirit come to mind.

In this rendition the pentacles are made up of three disks. They contain a Sun Face, an Eye and a panoramic scene with yogi and horse figures. The disks are all interconnected with the Sun disk shining a little brighter over the other two. A crescent moon with another eye rests below the three disks.

In addition to teamwork and collaboration, the Three of Pentacles also speaks of hitting your stride and seeing the initial results of something you’ve been working hard on. It speaks of breathing new life into a project or finding the “key” to something that has been puzzling you and holding you back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 27, 2014 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Today is a good day to put your head together with others and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Pentacles is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

It’s about hitting your stride and seeing initial results of something you’ve been working hard on.  Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Pentacles — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace) put it into production (the Two) and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

The imagery in this card describes this process beautifully. We see three half-formed figures all actively creating one another and all benefiting from the help they receive from their peers.

Notice though how each of these figures is different. The first one — a human — is working on the second figure (an angel) in pencil; the angel is chiseling away at the third figure, who appears to be a robot; the robot is actively working on the human’s face with bright red paint.

There’s an interdependence depicted here and a camaraderie. Each of these figures needs the others and all of them are contributing equally.

February 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Paulina Tarot

February tarotscopes

ARIES: Five of Pentacles

You may start the month going through a bit of a rough patch. The Five of Pentacles is all about questioning your own values — whether that means mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

As Pentacles relate to physical, material and tangible concerns, you may be struggling with money and material possessions. But this is also ties into your own sense of self-worth.

You may be asking yourself “What do I have to offer and what is it worth to others?” There’s a sense of loneliness and feelings of inadequacy associated with this card.

But if you look at the images in this version, you see not one person but two. And they seem to be holding each other up — supporting one another.

This is the message behind the Five of Pentacles: it may be cold outside and you may have suffered a recent set-back or a blow to your self-esteem. But all you have to do is look around you — and be willing to reach out for help.

We can’t any of us make it through this world alone. This card is all about reminding ourselves that there is help if we are willing to ask for it, and in doing so will usually come out stronger in the end.

January 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Thoth Tarot


You’ll have the opportunity to re-invent yourself this month and to achieve equilibrium in your relationships.

You can turn something negative into something positive by striving for balance, harmony and composure.

This is a powerful card. It relates to the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. You can activate this concept personally by embracing that which has been resisted or denied and working to transform it.

This card is called “Art” (Temperance, in some decks). It speaks of seeking out symmetry.

It speaks of finding a middle-ground. In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view?

Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.