
Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 28, 2014 — The Hanged Man

Hanged Man

The Hanged Man 

Today with the Sun aspecting both Neptune and Saturn, you may feel like certain areas of your life are in a state of limbo.

Plans you’ve made may be put on hold, or you may feel the need to take a step back and regroup.

The Hanged man refers to things slowing down or even coming to a dead halt. It could be due to circumstances beyond your control, or it could be a decision you make when you realize the path you’re on is leading you in a direction you don’t want to go.

You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to manifest, or have the sense that nothing is happening despite your best efforts. Road blocks are put in your path — often for your own good.

The Sun / Neptune inconjunct can make you feel like your life force is being drained right out of you, and the semi-square to Saturn brings obstacles and obstructions. With these aspects in play today you may feel like you’re being blocked at every turn.

In this version of the card, we see a shirtless Native American figure strung up under the glaring heat of the Sun. He’s gaunt and skeletal, and at first glance appears to be dead. But we can see one fist clenched in what could be defiance.

Sept 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of Delphi

Tarot of Delphi -- the Sun

ARIES: The Sun

This month should see you feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment over recent accomplishments.

The Sun card is traditionally associated with vitality, warmth and a sense of feeling particularly “alive.” But in this version the focus is just as much on taking care of yourself and manifesting that vitality through soaking in the Sun’s rays and recharging your batteries.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus all move through your 6th house this month — the area associated with work and with self-improvement, which includes your physical and mental well-being. Rest and relaxation is just as essential to that process as are work and productivity.

The “Sun” in this card appears to be setting. It casts its rays onto the ocean in the background, shining across the surface like molten gold.

The image of the woman sleeping comfortably without a worry in the world perfectly captures the essence of the Sun. There’s a sense of effortlessness that’s associated with this card, even as the world keeps on turning around you.

Your ruler (Mars) moves into Sag this month (on the 13th) and into your 9th house — the area associated with personal growth and expansion. After that point there will be plenty of time to spread your wings and fly.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 29, 2014 — Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Hanged Man

With the Sun opposing Neptune today, you may feel like you’re in a state of limbo. You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to materialize or a sense that nothing is really happening for you despite your best efforts.

The Hanged man refers to a time when the Universe puts road blocks in your path — often for your own good. You may have been running at a break-neck pace, never stopping to look at what you’ve accomplished.

Or you may have found yourself losing steam over a project that just hasn’t panned out. Either way, it may be time to put things on hold — at least long enough to evaluate your commitment.

This is also true of relationships. Whether you’re in an established relationship (or just exploring an interest in one), it could also be time to take a step back from that as well.

The Hanged Man card is also about surrender. Letting go and letting God. Holding back from trying to change the natural course of things because your own input could (and would) interfere with their development.

The Hanged Man appears in this card as a bat suspended between two scrawny trees, with the waxing moon looming behind him. He’s wrapped up in his own wings like a cocoon. He holds on tightly to his one possession: a tiny book. Perhaps he’s using this time to gain insight and wisdom. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 29, 2014 — The Mirror

the Mirror

The Mirror

The Mirror is the Wildwood Tarot’s version of the Hanged Man. And like the Hanged Man, there are references of surrender, spiritual growth and sacrifice in this card.

But unlike the Hanged Man, the Mirror card is more about internal awareness than it is about external challenges. There’s less emphasis on the suspension of time and more on the process of self-discovery.

The central figure in this card is a Siren who has emerged from the depths of the sea. She holds a mirror in one hand and lifts up a glowing orb in the other. In the foreground we see a crane — messenger to the Gods — and in the distance a small island just beyond a burial at sea.

Neptune squares Venus today and trines the Sun. While the square can drive home an uncomfortable realization that things aren’t as perfect as they seem, the trine counters that awareness with acceptance and acquiescence.

There are definite surrender aspects to this card. The Mirror itself — held close to the Siren’s heart — speaks of looking within, accessing your intuition and embracing all that is reflected back to you. And the orb lifted up towards the heavens speaks of looking outside of yourself for spiritual guidance.

These are both valid endeavors, and both will ultimately move you past some of the obstacles that are hindering your progress.

March 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Dreaming Way Tarot

march tarotscopes -- judgment

ARIES: Judgment

This month you’ll be thinking about how the actions and decisions you’ve made have led you to where you are today.

The Judgment card can refer to a moment of “reckoning” where all the pieces of the puzzle start to come together and you see how you’ve participated — for better or worse — in the story of your life.

With this comes two very important considerations: one — that you can take charge and make changes in your life (as in rewriting your own script) and two — that you can view other people’s choices (which have led them to their own life circumstances) with a little less judgment and a lot more compassion and understanding.

The Judgment card refers to an epiphany or awakening, during which time you realize the consequences of your actions and are thus more inclined to proceed conscientiously.

As such it gives you a chance to start anew, to be “reborn” and make changes that are in line with your understanding of karmic rewards and repercussions. It gives you a chance to redeem and unburden yourself, as you prepare to let go of the past and move toward your true life’s purpose.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 28, 2014

the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Today you may have to reconcile yourself to the fact that good things come to those who wait. You may be frustrated over something that’s taken longer than expected to materialize — such as a job, promotion, relationship, financial security, etc.

The Hanged Man refers to delays and obstacles, but often these are necessary — even if you don’t yet understand why.

In this version of the card we see an old tree with a human face and twisted branches that appear to be taking on a human form. Moss grows on the tree’s roots and acorns grow from its limbs. Vines are also wending their way up the trunk from one of the tree’s “hands,” while a bird’s nest rests in the other.

This tree has become “home” to a number of woodland creatures. In addition to the family of birds, there’s a squirrel scampering down one side and a spider and web on the other.

The Hanged Man refers to sacrifices as well as delays. Most often this is necessary and is for the greater good. We can see that this is the case with our tree.

January 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Prairie Tarot


ARIES: The Star

This month it’s going to be all about counting your blessings. In recent months you may have been too focused on what you lack — or what you feel has been missing in your life, But the Star card speaks of putting all that aside while you focus on what you do have.

This is a very calm and peaceful version of the Star card. In it, we see a young Native American woman sitting on the banks of a river, replenishing it from the water in her vessel.

She sits with her eyes closed and her feet dangling comfortably in the water. A large white star shines above her to the right, while seven smaller stars, in the colors of the rainbow are lined up on the left.

There are elements of tolerance and acceptance here too. The gentle imagery of the young woman in Native garb coupled with the rainbow stars act as symbolic reminders that the world is full of different kinds of people and all of them belong here. Even the act of pouring water into the stream reminds us of how important it is to “give back.”

As the New Year begins, think about resolutions you made last year that you didn’t end up keeping. The Star card is full of hope and inspiration but it’s not exactly well grounded. There’s a need to work in order to manifest your dreams, as they’re not about to fall into your lap.

September 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Archeon Tarot

Seven of Swords

ARIES: The Seven of Swords — like all sevens — speaks of difficult choices and moral dilemmas. There are temptations disguised as opportunities, which could turn out to be more than you bargained for in the end.

In this rendition, we see a raven perched before the light of a full moon, a glowing sun time-piece dangling from his beak. A legend is told in Native American traditions of a snow white bird who steals the sun and moon and places them in the night sky. The sun is so hot that it chars his white feathers, rendering them permanently black.

There are four swords piercing the moon and three penetrating the earth below it. As the moon represents mystery, illusion and the depths of the human psyche, we can see this as a need to penetrate the veil that obscures our motivations.  We’re reminded that all that glitters is not gold, that there are consequences for our actions. The concept of time is also relevant here, as in keeping track of time, not wasting time, and making time for things that are most important.

There are elements of mischief, trickery and even thievery in this card, You may be tempted to engage in practices that are not aligned with your principles. Or you may be the recipient of someone else’s duplicity. But these same elements can be used to your benefit. The seven of swords represents skill and ingenuity as well. You must have a sharp mind and a vigilant approach if you’re to navigate through some of the obstacles before you. Opportunities come your way, but there’s always a catch. Just like the raven whose cunning and prowess has rewarded him with the fiery sun, but whose feathers have become permanently charred in the process.


August 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Revelations Tarot


Is there something you have been wishing, praying and hoping for?

The card of the Star shows that you can have what you want and possibly without putting too much effort into it as long as you don’t start worrying, striving and generally putting your thoughts and emotions into a state of unbalance.

The Star is a card of happiness… of wishes coming true. Think of the saying “wish upon a star” and keep it in your mind as you go after your dreams.

The halo of doves and stars surrounding the woman in the card as she simultaneously fills one water urn and lets the other urn flow out depicts a balance in not holding on too tightly to something and trusting that what you want shall be fulfilled.

The reflection within the water shows what happens if you go against this balance with the red, amber tones standing for anger, frustration and a general blockage to getting what you want.


June 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Justice

What is your best way forward?

What options do you have?

The Justice card implies you are ready to face a situation head on with logical thought processes.

The scales held in the left hand show a balancing of all the facts whilst the sword in the right hand shows you are ready to speak with conviction once all of the facts have been weighted up.

The situation around you does not need over emotional input for you to gain a satisfactory outcome.

You must use your mind and intellect to access the outcome you are hoping for.

This may mean you need to seek counsel with a professional who can help you with your problems and tip the scales of justice in your favor.



April 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Golden Tarot of Klimt

Ten of Pentacles

ARIES: Ten of Pentacles

This month is about building upon what you already have and making it work for you. It is an excellent time to make a career move and if you are thinking of doing so then aim high!

The road before you is smooth and even with, perhaps, more options than you think.

Look for new areas of growth that can further your advancement but may not be obvious when you first look at the options laid out in front of you.

There is a solid and familiar feel to what you are aiming for and as you move towards it your dreams and ambitions become clearer.

The 10 pentacles is beautifully depicted in this card with the path (the journey) leading up to the grand building (the destination) in a clear, smooth path.

Overlapping across the path are branches of trees bursting with new growth (new ideas).

Be open to what comes to you and your path will be smooth towards your ultimate goal.


March 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Mythic Tarot

ARIES: Nine of Swords

You may be tossing and turning in your sleep this month; stressing over concerns that seem to have no resolution.

This card speaks of our tendencies to magnify problems, often making them out to be worse than they are.

You’ll need to learn to step back from intrusive thoughts and fears before they escalate into full-on panic. This doesn’t mean you should ignore your problems: that may be what’s gotten you into your predicament in the first place.

You’ll have to confront your fears head-on if you’re ever going to conquer them. You may have to look at where you’ve made mountains out of molehills or have been your own worst enemy.

You may have contributed to your problems, as responsibilities that have been avoided could very well be coming back to haunt you now. But it’s also important to forgive yourself for past mistakes and work on putting them behind you.