
August 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Page of Wands

You should be in your element this month, now that Mars (your ruling planet) is back in your sign. With Mars in Aries, you’re going to be feeling more dynamic, energetic and alive.

This card is about racing toward your goals with the sort of fierce determination that propels you toward the finish line. There’s no conserving energy or plodding along methodically when it comes to the Page of Wands. It’s all go go go and get it done now!

The Page of Wands — this version from the Mythic Tarot — combines the fearlessness and impulsivity of the Page with the drive and passion associated with the Wands (or Fire) element.

You may be rushing toward a deadline, scrambling to outsmart your competitors or planning an adventure — but even in that case there’s little planning involved. It’s more about chasing after your goals and striking while the iron is hot.

This card represents the urge to get the ball rolling, make things happen, and fearlessly go after your goals without worrying about consequences or pitfalls. It could indicate someone in your life — generally an eager, enthusiastic, free-spirited young warrior who’s full of life and has boundless energy — or it can represent a part of you that’s ready to come to life.

Either way, the Page of Wands — much like Mars in Aries — encourages you to muster up the courage and confidence to go after what you truly want and to not let anyone stand in your way.


December 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Wheel of Fortune

Aries: Wheel of Fortune

This month, you may be looking at the ups and downs in your life and thinking about how they’ve led you to where you are today. The Wheel of Fortune card is associated with fate, destiny, “karma,” life cycles and both good and bad luck.

Sometimes we blame ourselves for the down times (assuming we’ve “brought it all on ourselves”) while viewing the up times as outside of our control.

We all experience these up and down cycles — and we all try to maximize the former while minimizing the latter. But the Wheel of Fortune — this version from the Alchemical Tarot — tells us that both are necessary and that the good times wouldn’t be good without the frame of reference of the not-so-good times.

Like the mythical Ouroboros or world serpent, the Wheel of Fortune tells us that there is no beginning or end, much like the rhythms in our own lives.

Here we see the two dragons — one white with wings and a crown and the other one red and scaly  — circling the wheel together. As one goes up the other comes down, repeating that cycle over and over again in an ongoing (and never ending) process.

This month you’ll have 6 planets and the South Node moving through your 10th house — the area associated with reputation and public standing. As a result, this is the area you’re likely to see the biggest impact. You can take advantage of these transits by aligning yourself with their respective energies. And rather that seeing yourself tied to that karmic wheel this month, consider participating in your destiny and working to overcome the conditioning that’s held you there in the past

Remember that as one one door closes, another one opens — just as the wheel turns and the seasons change. Today’s transits speak of finding ways to voice your intentions while at the same time putting disappointments and heartaches behind you.


October 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Seven of Pentacles

Aries: Seven of Pentacles

Now would be a good time to re-evaluate a recent decision and decide your next move. Do you proceed as planned? Change directions? Or throw in the towel and start all over again?

The Seven of Pentacles — this version from the Shadowscapes Tarot — indicates a need for patience to see something through. But it can also trigger feelings of disappointment or frustration over that something taking too long to produce results.

That also brings in the potential that as those results develop they turn out to be not what you thought you wanted in the first place. You could be involved in a relationship that’s just not working out the way you hoped or a career-path that turns out to be unrewarding.

You may be mid-way through a college degree and find yourself wondering if you should change majors, or moving halfway around the world and realizing you’re homesick.

The Seven of Pentacles — like all Sevens — refers to delays, dilemmas and decisions that are not easy to resolve. This card can refer to a pause or a setback, a choice between disparate paths, or even a change in direction late in the game.

This card represents finding yourself a pivotal juncture that there’s no easy answer for. If you find yourself at a crossroads — wondering whether it’s best to hang in there or to hang it up and start all over again, your best move may just be to step back and give it some time.


July 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

Aries: Eight of Wands

This month — with your ruler leaving Cancer and moving into Leo, you might be feeling that it’s time to step out from under your safety net and start thinking about putting your plans into action.

The Eight of Wands is traditionally associated with movement and momentum, and there is some of that going on here. But the central themes in this version — from the Mary-El Tarot — are more about protection and trust, as seen in the tiny figure nestled in the Lion’s arms.

The lion appears as a guardian angel, with a fiery mane and golden-orange wings. Notice the serpent — in the form of a lemniscate or infinity symbol — that encircles the sleeping child.

Also notice the one lion’s paw and one angel’s hand that cradle her sleeping form. A blanket of stars keeps her safe and warm. The symbols of protection and safety are repeated here, as are the themes of divergent forces residing harmoniously in the same space.

In many decks, the Eight of Wands signifies energy, motion and action. And we can surmise that the figure in this card will awaken from her sleep more rested and prepared to move ahead. But her rest is an integral part of her preparation and is just as meaningful.

You may be biding your time this month or preserving your energy in preparation for something ahead. Or you could be trying to find your center in the midst of whatever turbulence surrounds you.


April 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: Temperance

This month you are likely to be called upon to integrate opposing areas of your life into one big calm, peaceful and harmonious medium.

This may take the form of aligning yourself with higher spiritual realms, or it may be more about learning to surrender.

The Temperance card — this version from the Crystal Tarot — speaks of searching within yourself for that wellspring of inner grace and finding a way to bring the good and bad, light and dark, happy and sad back into balance.

The Temperance card is called “Art” in some decks. It speaks of the unique creative forces that each of us possess. It speaks of seeking out symmetry and harmony.

In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view? Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.

In this version of the card we see an angel standing in a field and pouring fluid from one vessel into another. The grass is green and abundant at her feet, the sky is clear and the Sun shines behind her. The rainbow that is usually seen in this card is actually a part of her in this version. In her gown, in her wings and in the landscape behind her.

Her demeanor is calm and peaceful — almost trance-like, as if she’s mesmerized by the process. This is the essence of this card: there’s a calm and graceful symmetry in taking one’s time, going with the flow, and becoming one with all that surrounds you.

This is going to be especially important for you this month, with the New Moon in your sign, as well as Mercury, Venus and Chiron at different times. And while you may be tempted to strike out on your own, you want to be mindful during this time of how your words, actions and decisions can

October 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: The Swan

Your card this month — the Swan (Temperance card) from the Animal Wisdom Tarot, describes a need to go with the flow and to bring the conflicting desires of your being back toward the center.

With your ruler (Mars) getting ready to cross its shadow point, you can put some of your recent setbacks to rest, and focus on bringing balance and harmony back into your life.

This card is called the Angel of Alchemy in this deck. And it certainly looks like an angel. Its beautiful wings are spread wide and welcoming and it’s snow white feathers glisten above the surface of the lake. It glides just inches above the water (feelings, emotions, the unconscious, etc.) — not so far removed that is detaches completely, but not so close that it allows itself to become immersed.

We could all take a page from the Swan’s book in our dealings with others as well as the ways we treat ourselves. Getting just enough altitude to see things from a clearer perspective without neglecting what lies beneath.

The Temperance card refers to bringing the opposing facets of your personality (or your relationships, or your desires) into alignment by finding the perfect middle ground. It represents peace and harmony, synthesis and equilibrium, moderation and restraint.

As you can see from the glorious Swan in this card, nothing needs be sacrificed in attaining that balance. Just remember to rise above whatever situations in your life that are pulling you down, without rising so high that you neglect them or fail to take advantage of opportunities to learn from or grow from them.


August 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Nine of Cups

ARIES: Nine of Cups

Take some time this month to look around you, and see how many of your dreams and wishes have come true.

The Nine of Cups is a called ‘Happiness” in this deck (the beautiful Röhrig Tarot). It’s a card of contentment and fulfillment. It speaks of being more than just satisfied with your lot in life, but also feeling truly blessed and grateful for where you are.

The Nine of Cups is known as the Wish card; in this sense it’s about manifesting your heart’s desires. Nothing is taken for granted and nothing is left to chance. It’s about aligning yourself with the universal laws of attraction and getting what you deserve.

Along with being the “Wish” card, it’s also a card of Miracles. As there’s so much more focus on what one has than what one lacks, it’s easier to notice small miracles and in even the smallest things.

Be careful though that you don’t become too complacent: one of the potential pitfalls with this card is getting exactly what you wished for, only to discover later on that it wasn’t what you wanted in the first place. Because of this, you want to be very mindful of what you ask for — and what you  “put out there” — this month.

Think about what makes you happy and chances are good it’s the simple things in life. Home, family, friends, health, material comforts and peace of mind. This is what the Nine of Cups is all about and if you’re not where you want to be just yet, think of ways to change that.

Take some time to think about what you really want — and don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have. There’s an intricate balance between gratitude and personal fulfillment, so make sure you’re putting enough energy and effort into both.

February 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Two of Wands

ARIES: Two of Wands

Be on the lookout this month for opportunities that are available to you, even those that may not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.

The Two of Wands — this version from the gorgeous Shadowscapes Tarot — speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something that’s big enough to assure you you’re on the right track, but not yet well-thought out enough to ensure that it’s a go.

This could be something that was once just a dream or half-formed vision about where you see yourself “down the road.” You may be thinking of going back to school, or looking for another job or approaching someone you’re interested in and asking them out to dinner. It doesn’t have to be something big. But it can lead to something huge.

The Two of Wands asks, “What are you waiting for?” and “why are you holding back?” It tells you that there’s no time like the present to put yourself out there and take at least the first steps toward pursuing your goals.

You may not have fully fleshed out your ideas. And that’s perfectly ok. The Two of Wands speaks of putting something into action that will gather momentum over time. It encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level. The Two of Wands says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to gather up the courage and confidence to go after it.


November 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Two of Swords

ARIES: Two of Swords

With your ruler (Mars) moving through its polarity sign (Libra) this month, you may need to look at things from a different perspective. You might feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, or you could be struggling with a decision that’s not going to be easy to make.

Perhaps this is why you’ve held off in the first place, as the the Two of Swords refers to not just feeling torn between two options but wanting to avoid making a choice between them as well.

The figure in this card — from Rome Choi’s Dreaming Way Tarot — is blind-folded and holding up two sharp swords. She may be leaning towards one but she’s not taking any steps to act on it.

In this respect the Two of Swords can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

Alternately you may have come to an impasse with someone and are actualizing this energy through passive resistance. This isn’t a better solution and it won’t solve anything:  while you may need some time to pause and reflect, you’re going to have to take a stand whether you like it or not.

The inertia that comes from choosing not to choose can prevent you from moving forward. It’s going to be critical to weigh your options, make your decision and then stand by it in the end.


April 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Three of Cups

This month — with several planets moving in and out of your sign — you’re hopefully going to be feeling more fully in your element. This should be a time of renewed opportunities to connect (or reconnect) with loved ones.

The Three of Cups — this version from the wonderful Morgan Greer Tarot — is a joyful and festive card that emphasizes partying and celebrating over work and responsibilities. It also emphasizes friends and casual relationships over serious romantic entanglements.

It refers to being surrounded by like-minded people and putting your differences aside. It’s about coming together and joining forces with those who have your best interests at heart.

The focus is on merriment and gaiety rather than monotony and drudgery. It’s on interacting and networking with others, allowing you to push aside some of your more serious concerns — at least for the time being.

It represents people gathering together to connect, interact and socialize. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls’ night out. 

January 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Cups

ARIES: Eight of Cups

This month may see you taking steps toward leaving behind something that no longer sustains you.

The Eight of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees — refers to getting in touch with your values, which can be a painful process. It involves forcing yourself to face certain realities and walk away from something (or from someone) that doesn’t live up to them.

On the upside it means taking the high road and making a transition. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. The Eight of Cups requires you to let go of something — a dream, a relationship, a set of goals, etc. — in order to move to that higher ground.

This is a card of transition, but unlike most, this one comes from conscious choice. It’s not a matter of the Universe throwing a curve-ball at you: it’s a decision arrived at though the realization that what once fulfilled you no longer does.

You may feel alone or abandoned during this time — rejected by a loved one or peers. Yet it’s your own discontent that prompts you to “walk away,” rather than trying to keep up the pretense that those who let you down were ever truly on your side.

This doesn’t refer to loss so much as it does to seeing things more clearly and then using that new-found clarity to head toward higher ground. Like the brightly shining crescent moon in this card, it’s about new beginnings rather than endings. You can see this card as an invitation to strike out on your own, follow your own path and pave your own way.


May 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Five of Cups

You may be dealing with relationship issues this month that force you to face some difficult realities. You could be struck by a sense of discontent and disillusionment over what once seemed like a “magical” union but is now developing cracks. Misunderstandings or miscommunications can abound, sending you hurdling back to earth and back to the reality of your situation.

Look at the imagery in this card. We see a mythical Unicorn seated atop an old-fashioned wishing well. At first glance it looks like something you’d expect to come across in a fairy-tale. But if you look closer, you can see that the Unicorn is not seated at all. He’s trapped in the well and has been hobbled, immobilized by his unfortunate circumstances.

The water flowing from the sides of the well has slowed down to a trickle. He looks away from the set of withering vines on the left and toward those that are lush and plentiful on the right. The skeleton key symbol over his heart is reminiscent of the astrological glyph used for Greek Mythology’s wounded healer, Chiron.

How might this imagery apply to you? And what can you learn from the circumstances that make this card now relevant in your life?

The Five of Cups — this version from the Mary-el Tarot — can refer to heartache, disillusionment and lost love. You could be stuck in rut, reeling from a rejection or coming to terms with a relationship that was never meant to be. You may also—just like the Unicorn in this card—be refusing to see what no longer sustains you. There is as much danger in not learning from your mistakes as there is in focusing only on what might be.

But there are positive aspects of this card as well. There are messages to be unraveled and lessons to be learned. Perhaps the “wounded healer” aspect provides you with an insider’s understanding of what it’s like to hurt, to be alone, and to be denied the very thing you’ve so desperately wanted.

Your heartache becomes a powerful conduit for healing. It can also become a gift that you pass onto others: the gift of empathy. Your own experiences lead to a deeper understanding of what others may be dealing with, and can translate into compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love.