
October 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Chariot 

With several planets retrograde at the beginning of this month, you could be dealing with feelings of restlessness and frustration, and longing to break free.

This is especially true with your ruler (Mars) debiliated by sign, in addition to both of your relationship rulers (Venus and the Sun).

But fortunately, things will start picking up for you in the 2nd week, starting with Venus changing signs, Saturn going direct and the New Moon falling in your sign.

During this time, you could be feeling a renewed sense of freedom and liberation — as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and been replaced with wings to fly.

The Horse — Spirit of Freedom in the Animal Wisdom Tarot — is this deck’s version of the Chariot. Here the Horse has taken flight and is balanced between Sun and Moon, which is associated with day and night, or will and intuition.

The Chariot is all about harnessing your inner reserves of strength and power. In this deck the emphasis is on liberation, emancipation and being freed from the chains that bind you.

Starting on the 19th, when Jupiter goes direct and the full Moon occurs in the sign, you should start to feel that your spirits are lifting as you ascend to higher realms. You’ll still have to work on harnessing your baser instincts, but know that in doing so your goals are much closer to your reach.

May 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Seven of Wands

With Mars (your ruler) now in Cancer — and moving through your 4th house — there may be times this month where you feel like retreating into your own thoughts and creating a safe inner sanctuary for yourself.

You may also find yourself needing to be more guarded and alert, rather than accepting things at face value.  You may face opposition from others, in the form of competition or outright resistance. You may also feel “under siege,” as in being attacked or ganged up on.

There may be a moral dilemma or a situation that requires you to compromise your ideals. This may be a friend who asks you to keep an uncomfortable confidence, an accusation that’s put you on the defense, or a situation in which you feel unfairly targeted.

In this version — from the Light Seer’s Tarot — the choice is pretty clear. It’s not going to be about fighting or one-upping anybody. It’s about distancing yourself from all the noise and reclaiming your own power.

There is a “hold your ground” element to the traditional Seven of Wands and a call to find your center in this one. Either way it’s about self-preservation. But what better way to strengthen your position than to harness all that energy, rather than allowing it to scatter all around you.

Think about the obstructions you’ve been standing in the way of obtaining your goals and work on breaking them down. You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or you may have to conquer some fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Seven of Wands requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available, as you plan your next move.


March 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Nine of Pentacles

You may have a lot going on this month, with three planets in your 11th (social) house and your ruler (Mars) moving into Gemini in your 3rd. These are all very action (and interaction) oriented placements, but they can also be extremely draining.

As a result it might be time for you to take a breather, or stop and smell the flowers, like the figure in this card.

The Nine of Pentacles is all about enjoying the bounty that life affords you rather than focusing on what you lack. You’re hopefully feeling good about how far you’ve come and are ready to start enjoying it.

The Nine of Pentacles — from the Sun and Moon Tarot — says that you’re more than satisfied with all you’ve attained. It’s about counting your blessings and aligning yourself with those concepts, knowing that the Universe offers up unlimited resources to those who do.

Take some time this month to appreciate all that you have as well as those who have helped you along the way.  And remember that wealth and abundance needs to flow (it’s called “currency” for a reason), if you’re able to give some of it away.

We know that all the money in the world won’t buy us happiness if it’s acquired without passion. Yet we keep on wanting more of it, and find ourselves struggling with the idea of figuring out how much is “enough.”

The Nine of Pentacles challenges us to not only answer that question but to examine our personal values as well. Remember that whatever you put out there — whether it’s time, energy, money or yourself — as well as whatever you’re open to receiving, will all balance out and be replenished over time.


February 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Pentacles

Aries: Knight of Pentacles

With your ruler (Mars) now moving through Taurus, you might feel the need to slow down a bit rather than rushing headlong into the next great adventure.

This transit is good for stopping the smell the flowers and for taking your time to appreciate what life has to offer. It’s fitting then that your card this month is the Prisma Visions Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles.

This Knight isn’t galloping off toward the horizon and he’s not racing to the finish line. He’s led his stallion to a lush field of giant strawberries, where both of them can feast.

The Knight of Pentacles (and Mars in Taurus) knows how to make money. But his focus is more on relishing and savoring than it is on taking action.

He’s all about preserving his resources while maximizing his potential, so that he’s always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.


February 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Swords

Your card this month — the Ace of Swords from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot — is all about achieving the kind of clarity that’s needed to focus your intentions and accomplish your goals.

The Ace of Swords can act as a tool for manifesting. It is raw, pure, unharnessed energy that can be channeled into something both powerful and magical.

It can act as a lightning rod for either positive or negative energy, depending on how it’s used. It refers to getting to the heart of the matter, cutting through the BS, speaking your mind and honoring your truth.

But the Ace of Swords can also be somewhat aggressive and argumentative. When used negatively it really does “cut like a knife” with respect to cruelty or hurtful words. For this reason it’s sometimes best to put some distance between yourself and whatever outside influences are triggering reactions.

Your ruling planet (Mars) is dignified in Capricorn this month. This is a strong placement, associated with climbing to the top, staking your claim and asserting your power — all of which are so beautifully represented here.

Aces are associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, and nowhere is that more evident than the Ace of Swords in this deck, where each card is represents a small snippet of a much bigger picture. Here the Sword glows against a midnight sky, Here there are references to clarity, perfection and purity with the embedded Sword glistening in a new-fallen snow.

The Ace of Swords can have a dual meaning just as the blade itself is double edged. It can be victorious or defiant, depending on how you decide to wield it. Remember that your words and actions can have far reaching consequences, so wield yours not as a weapon this month, but as a conduit for fairness and honesty.


June 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Swords

Aries: Knight of Swords

This month you’re going to want to be “on your toes” and prepared for whatever opportunities — or peril — that comes your way.

The Knight of Swords — this version from the Love and Mystery Tarot — is sharp, focused and purposeful, aware of his (or her) environment and quick to act if need be.

In some decks the Knight of Swords is literally a knight in shining armor, charging ahead into battle or to rescue his fair maiden. And sometimes he’s racing toward the finish line, bound and determined to win at any cost.

But here we have a young hipster-soldier girl standing watch under a bird-filled sky. She herself resembles a bright and colorful bird, from her hair to her coloring to her clothing to her complete immersion in the scene before her.

But these birds aren’t flying south for the winter: they’re circling above her in what could be a menacing formation. She keeps her sword ready but holds it behind her until she knows for sure.

The Knight of Swords often delivers news. Sometimes it’s good news and sometimes it’s not. But like the young warrior in our card, your main objective should be to stay alert and be prepared to act quickly and decisively either way.

The Knight of Swords is quite good at getting to the point, but comes up short when it comes to tact and diplomacy. Therefore if it turns out that it’s you delivering the news this month, you want to be mindful of your tone, manner and especially your choice of words.

May 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Seven of Wands

Aries: Seven of Wands

This month, with your ruler (Mars) moving into Cancer — the sign of its fall — you may feel like your back is against the wall, or that you need to hold your ground against what feels like perilous opposition.

The Seven of Wands — this version from Stephanie Pui-Mun Law’s Shadowscapes Tarot — refers to a need to be more alert, guarded and cautious, rather than accepting things at face value. It can manifest as a need to brace for attack

You may face opposition from others, in the form of competition or outright resistance. You may also feel “under siege:” as in being attacked or ganged up on.

There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.

The Seven of Wands — like all Sevens — refers to a dilemma that is not going to be easily reconciled. The question is: do you take the easy way out (in this case giving in to the masses and compromising your own integrity)? Or do you hold your ground and risk further alienating your detractors?

This card requires you to look at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action. There are issues with boundaries that are present in this card, and it can manifest as feeling imposed upon or backed into a corner. But the same dilemma applies. You have to choose whether to give in or maintain your stance and deal with whatever repercussions result.

Whatever happens this month — no matter how this plays out for you — you’re going to be called upon to take the high road. You’re going to be challenged to stand your ground and to not allow yourself to back down. You’ll also have to reconcile a “me against the world” attitude before it turns into a chip on your shoulder.

May 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

japaridze star

ARIES: The Star

Now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations. The Star card — this version from the beautiful Japaridze Tarot — is a card of Hope and faith in the Universe. It tells you that in spite of all your trials and tribulations,everything is as it should be, and in the end everything is going to be alright.

You could be feeling a renewed sense of hope about a goal that is now starting to feel more reachable. Or you may be feeling inspired to explore your intuition and psychic impressions.

The Star is all about Universal harmony and synchronicity. It’s about being one with the Universe and feeling connected to every single other living thing.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. It is a card of compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith. It also represents a sense of rebirth and renewal. As it follows the Tower card — which is associated with disaster and destruction — it can serve as a welcome refuge or a beacon of hope.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

You want to steer clear of negativity this month — yours and anyone else’s. Focus on what is right in your world rather than what could possibly go wrong. if you can do that you’re bound to come out on top.

December 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

The Wanderer

ARIES: The Wanderer

This month may see you developing a renewed interest in travel, adventure and personal expansion. The Wanderer card (the Fool, in traditional decks) fits in beautifully with this dynamic, as it relates to being open to new experiences without regard for where they may ultimately lead.

In the Wildowood Tarot’s version, we see a young woman striding toward the edge of a cliff, barefoot and unburdened by material possessions. Her arms are wide open and her gait is purposeful, even knowing that the path before her is partially obscured by clouds.

There’s a waterfall on the other side and a shimmering rainbow bridge leading to it, but if you look closely you can also see the rocky terrain far below.

A fall would be treacherous but somehow you know she’s not going to fall. Her faith and her optimism and her willingness to seize the day will see her safely to the other side.

This is the essence of the Wanderer card; It’s about taking a leap of faith and being open to going wherever the moment takes you. Pay attention though to the clouds that may be obscuring your path.  And keep in mind Ithat there will be some things you need to surrender, as a necessary part of taking that leap of faith.

You want to think about these concepts, especially as they apply to opportunities that present themselves to you today. It’s not the time to fret about details or focus on what could possibly go wrong.

You do want to keep your wits about you, and unlike the woman in this card you do want to watch your step. But immersing yourself fully in the journey — rather than thinking too hard or focusing too much on the destination — can open up a whole new world of possibilities for you that you won’t want to miss.


June 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Manatee

Has it been all work and no play for you in recent weeks? Or have there been too many responsibilities weighing on your shoulders and not enough letting your hair down and just having fun?

The Manatee, or Six of Shells —  which is the Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Six of Cups — says it’s time to do just that. The Manatees in this card aren’t thinking about all the work piling up at the office or all the emails they have respond to at home.

No they’re fully engaged in a game of catch, while the rest of the world floats by around them. This is the essence of the Six of Shells. Having fun, being playful and immersing yourself in the present rather than fretting about the past.

There’s a childlike innocence and wonder associated with this card. In fact children may figure prominently for you, and the thoughts of your own childhood may be triggered by their presence. If so consider it a call to observe their ability to live in the moment and follow in kind.

The Manatee as an animal totem speaks of companionship, trust and gentle play. It encourages you to take turns, share, and accept those around you for who and what they are.

November 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Nine of Coins

Your card this month — the Nine of Coins — represents that intricate and fulfilling balance between expressing gratitude and achieving prosperity.

In this version — from the Chinese Tarot — we meet Liu-Hai, the coin-juggling god of abundance and prosperity. Liu-Hai and his loyal servant (a three-legged toad, sitting on his shoulder) are said to bring wealth and prosperity to those who are most deserving.

Liu-Hai is also the protector of needle-makers, not only because they’re needed to thread the red (lucky) ribbons that sting the Chinese coins together, but perhaps also because they represent concepts like dedication and service.

As a symbol of purity and enlightenment, it’s important to note the lotus blossom that Liu-Hai springs from. It’s a reminder to all of us that true wealth comes from rising above the muck, conducting ourselves with grace and integrity, and aspiring to practice right livelihood.

The Nine of Coins represents getting to a point where you’re more than satisfied with what you’ve attained. This relates to money and material possessions, but also to your own sense of self-worth.

Nov 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

ARIES: Six of Scrolls

This is the month when wisdom meets hopes and dreams.

The elephant in this card — the Six of Scrolls from the beautiful Chrysalis Tarot — portrays that which is ancient and wise and the knowledge a person like this can bestow on you.

Keep your ears open this month for one such as this because it seems as if they have something very wise and nurturing to give you in the form of words and knowledge.

You may find that you go within yourself to draw out that which is wise and strong… that which you always knew. With this knowledge a transformation takes place within you.

The point where the woman in this card touches the elephant’s forehead with her own is where the 6th chakra lays. This is where psychic information flows in and out and relays that the knowledge and wisdom you attain does not need to be from books but is simply “known” by you.

The crescent moon and stars in the sky speak of mystery and mysticism as well as the turning of the ages.

You may be thinking of taking a meditation class or psychic course. If these are not for you art, writing or anything creative can also give you the knowledge and wisdom you are looking for as it is already within you.