
March 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Black Tortoise Six

Opportunities abound for you this month with your ruler (Mars) joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your public sector. This is a powerhouse conjunction that’s likely to get you noticed. It can herald a period of increased public scrutiny, and can bring you more recognition on the job.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re valued.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Six of Wands. It’s a card of appreciation and admiration. You “win” something and have earned the right to be satisfied with the spoils of your victory.

This isn’t about ego or conceit and it’s never at someone else’s expense. There’s a strong sense of being supported and lifted up by others who rejoice right along with you.

You could be in line for a promotion or an award at work. You could be given the okay to go ahead with a project you’ve been excited about. Or it may be as simple as pat on the back and some words of encouragement from those who look up to you.

Whatever form this takes for you this month, know that you’ve earned it and that you deserve it. It may just give you the incentive to keep shooting for the stars and manifesting your highest goals. Don’t shy away from celebrating your achievements with others.

Even if it feels premature at this stage know that you’re well on your way and that the fun doesn’t have to stop once you reach your goals. Embrace the accolades that are coming toward you and don’t forget to thank those who’ve helped you along the way.


January 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

January 2020 Tarot Scopes -- Ostara Emperor

Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your public / professional sector, it’s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities with confidence and authority.

The Emperor card — this version from the Ostara Tarot — is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

You may be asking yourself whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

As the Emperor also relates to the “Laws of the Land,” some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include things like being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


August 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Bows

This month — with five planets (including your ruler Mars and the New Moon) moving through your 5th house — the area related to self-expression and creativity — you want to be thinking about your dreams, desires and intentions; as well as the actions you can take to turn them into a powerful reality.

The Ace of Bows (Wands in most decks) speaks of directing your energy toward your goals with purpose and intent: much the same way you’d take aim with an arrow and launch it at a distant target.

If you’ve ever done any archery, you know that you don’t just pick up an arrow and fling it haphazardly into the air. You have to pull back, focus on your objective and become one with the bow before you even shoot. Once you let go of the arrow, you’re committed to the outcome so you have to put everything you have into hitting your target.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. This card — called the “Spark of Life” here in the Wildwood Tarot — refers to that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation).

What is it you really really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself this month.

The Ace of Bows is about offering your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.


March 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your career and money sectors, it ‘s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities from a more serious and authoritative standpoint.

The Emperor card is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

In this version of the card — from the Stolen Child Tarot — the Emperor is a polar bear looking off into the distance as he keeps protective watch over a young changeling child. The ground is frozen solid, what little brush there is is sparse and snowflakes are falling all around them.

As fierce a guardian as this papa bear may be, there’s a gentle, protective quality about him too. This is in line with Emperor archetype, which is also fatherly and paternal.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


April 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Wild Unknown Emperor

ARIES: The Emperor

With your ruler (Mars) exalted in Capricorn and conjuncting Saturn this month. You should be thinking more about taking charge of your life and achieving your goals and ambitions.

This is the Wild Unknown Tarot’s version of the Emperor card, in this case a stark and mighty tree stretching high into the heavens.

Notice the New Moon in this card too: it’s in your sign this month (on the 16th) conjunct Uranus, the planet known as the great awakener.

This card symbolizes worldly acclaim and ambition. No matter how high you want to climb, you can know that there are possibilities available to you if you only you set your sights on pursuing them.

You may be asking yourself whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

As the Emperor also relates to the “Laws of the Land,” some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include things like being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. Hard work, perseverance and determination are all required: nothing will come to you through sheer luck or wishful thinking. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.


December 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

The Wanderer

ARIES: The Wanderer

This month may see you developing a renewed interest in travel, adventure and personal expansion. The Wanderer card (the Fool, in traditional decks) fits in beautifully with this dynamic, as it relates to being open to new experiences without regard for where they may ultimately lead.

In the Wildowood Tarot’s version, we see a young woman striding toward the edge of a cliff, barefoot and unburdened by material possessions. Her arms are wide open and her gait is purposeful, even knowing that the path before her is partially obscured by clouds.

There’s a waterfall on the other side and a shimmering rainbow bridge leading to it, but if you look closely you can also see the rocky terrain far below.

A fall would be treacherous but somehow you know she’s not going to fall. Her faith and her optimism and her willingness to seize the day will see her safely to the other side.

This is the essence of the Wanderer card; It’s about taking a leap of faith and being open to going wherever the moment takes you. Pay attention though to the clouds that may be obscuring your path.  And keep in mind Ithat there will be some things you need to surrender, as a necessary part of taking that leap of faith.

You want to think about these concepts, especially as they apply to opportunities that present themselves to you today. It’s not the time to fret about details or focus on what could possibly go wrong.

You do want to keep your wits about you, and unlike the woman in this card you do want to watch your step. But immersing yourself fully in the journey — rather than thinking too hard or focusing too much on the destination — can open up a whole new world of possibilities for you that you won’t want to miss.


October 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi -- Two of Buckets

ARIES: Two of Buckets

Your focus this month is going to be on love, romance and relationships. The Two of Buckets is the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi’s version of the Two of Cups. It’s called “Love” in some versions and “Harmony” in this one.

It speaks of finding your soul mate, your better half, your “one true love.” It’s the card associated with male / female, yin / yang energy and the concept of opposites attracting.

It’s about a love so perfect that the two become one, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. But true love takes on many forms. And it’s often marred by things like fear, jealousy, tension, uncertainty and sex.

And here we see none of these. We see a bond that’s so intimate and affectionate between a young child and her elephant friend. She leans in with a loving embrace and he responds as only an elephant friend would. He sits there patiently and contentedly, with his own offering of love in his trunk.

Jupiter is now in your relationship house, asserting a renewed sense of romantic idealism, as well as an openness to finding the sort of love that belies status quo expectations.

The New Moon also having taken place in this sector promotes the ideal of “self-love.” And what better way to manifest that energy than to see it mirrored back to you in its purest form?

If you’re thinking about diving back into the relationship arena this month, you’d do well to take a leaf from this unlikely pair’s book. Whether you’re in an established relationship now or just looking, holding yourself up to this kind of ideal can only benefit you in the end.


June 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: The Source

What is it that you have been waiting for as father time ticks slowly by? With your ruler (Mars) retrograde for most of the month, you may be feeling like time is either moving backwards or standing still.

If you have a plan you’ve been wanting to put into action for a long time now is the time to break forth from your restrictions and see it through.

The images on this card — the Source (Temperance) card from the Tarot of Origins — are as if they are set in stone and this is how you may have been seeing things for a while yet there are also fertile images on this card… images that say new life is coming, a new beginning and it springs forth directly from your “Source.”

It is part of you, you are part of it and even though you may feel alone as if everything is “set in stone” you have people watching out for you.

Look at the two stone boulders on either side of the middle figure. To me they look like birds. Birds which have been sitting there for a long time until they also look as if they have been “turned to stone.”

Yet underneath them you can see the glorious nests they have fashioned into the rock face. Hues of blues and greens, patterns of mists and water showing that although time seems to have “stood still” it has not been idle.

As the waters break, it is as that which is “inside” pours forth and so too does that which is inside you. Look to any of these three figures and you will see new life within each. Images within images and all on the verge of springing forth into something new and exciting yet at the same time solid and dependable. Who will you be, what will your new direction when the cocoon breaks apart and the chrysalis transforms?


April 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

You may have so much on your plate this month that it feels like “rush rush rush” for you as you scramble to get things accomplished.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the beautiful Crystal Visions Tarot — is all about action, progress and momentum. It’s about getting things done and making things happen.

It may be as simple as ticking off all the little things on your to-do list, and it may be as significant as making great headway on an important project.

While it might feel to you like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you could be surprised when the month is over to see how much you really accomplished.

The Eight of Wands is a high energy card and also sometimes refers to travel. In that respect it relates to being literally and physically on the go. Are you planning a weekend getaway? Use this extra energy to make preparations for your trip.

Look at the Eight Unicorns galloping down the canyon on this card. They’re raring to go and although not all of them are moving in the same direction, they’ all appear to know exactly where they’re going.

Mars (your ruler) is now moving through Sagittarius, which works very well with this energy: both the imagery of “wild horses” and the idea of travel. And while it will be turning retrograde later in the month, you won’t want to be sitting home and letting your thoughts gather dust.

Now is the time to make sure your get up and go actually goes somewhere — whether that means tackling a mountain of chores or heading off on an exciting new adventure.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 22, 2015 — The Emperor


The Emperor

As the Sun moves into Capricorn today and the Taurus Moon trines Mercury and then Jupiter, you may be thinking more about taking charge of your life and achieving your goals and ambitions.

This is the Ceccoli Tarot’s version of the Emperor, in this case a mini Napoleon Bonaparte sitting on a rocking horse.

The room he sits in may be small, but he casts an imposing figure nevertheless, sitting there amongst the various discarded toys and sundries.

You may be asking yourself today whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

This card symbolizes worldly acclaim and ambition. No matter how high you want to climb, you can know that there are possibilities available to you if you only you set your sights on pursuing them.

As the Emperor also relates to the Laws of the Land, some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

Hard work, perseverance and determination are all required: nothing will come to you through sheer luck or wishful thinking.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 30, 2015 — The Emperor

The Emperor

The Emperor

As the Sun and Saturn form a conjunction today, you may start to feel like it’s time to take charge of your life and your responsibilities.

The Emperor card — the version from the World Spirit Tarot  — indicates a call to step up to the plate and assume a position of authority. It’s about striving for personal and professional success. And it’s about wielding your personal power in a fair and just manner.

This card symbolizes worldly acclaim and ambition. But it’s also tied to personal obligations, such as areas in your life where you may need to take on a parental role.

Hard work, perseverance and determination are all required: nothing will come to you through sheer luck or wishful thinking.

You may be called upon to counsel another or to offer guidance based on the wisdom of your own experience. Or like the Emperor in this card, your greatest gift may be the ability to truly hear what others have to say without judgment or censure.

Although there are definite masculine elements to this card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities. It can also describe a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

Sept 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Ace of Swords

ARIES: Ace of Swords

This is a month of new thoughts and new ways of doing things. It is also a month for changing your thoughts and ideas on something.

Notice the butterfly wings around the Sword — from the Miracle Tarot. Venus turns direct this month, bringing grace, harmony, beauty and love to the forefront.

Even the sharp edges of the sword are not enough to deter the butterfly from being this near the blade. It is almost as if you can throw caution to the wind and say/do whatever you want. Well… perhaps not too much as Mercury is about to turn retrograde again.

Your thoughts are pure and aimed single-mindedly at the outcome you desire. If you have any mental tasks to accomplish do so whilst your mind is highly alert and focused on what you want.

The play of muted colours through this image give your clarity in anything creative you wish to succeed in alongside a transformative quality to the way they spring forth from your mind.

The blade looks sharp but don’t be fooled as it will not harm you as long as you stick to your principles and deliver your words with care and grace nothing will stand in your way.