Venus in Aries — May 2, 2014 – May 28, 2014

Venus enters Aries May 2, 2014 at 9:21pm UT.  Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries, as it is the sign that opposes Venus’ natural ruler, Libra. Traditional or Classical astrology places a lot more emphasis on planetary detriments as they are seen as significant in Classical practices. There are some disadvantages to having a planet in detriment, usually due to societal norms and expectations rather than any deficit in the archetype itself.

There are a lot of wonderfully unique attributes associated with this placement and if you happened to have been born with Venus in Aries, you’re probably known as someone who is exceptionally passionate and ardent when it comes to matters of the heart.

You probably fall in (and out) of love quickly. You consider yourself a bit of a maverick where love and relationships are concerned. You wear your heart on your sleeve, express your feelings openly, and are not afraid of a little competition.

Venus in Aquarius — Mar 5, 2014 – Apr 5, 2014

Rashida Jones

Venus enters Aquarius on March 5th at 8:02pm UT (4:02pm EST). Aquarius is the natural ruler of astrology’s 11 house — the area associated with friendships, group involvements and humanity in general.

If you were born with Venus in Aquarius, you probably consider yourself a bit of a rebel when it comes to love. You enjoy your independence and like to maintain a large circle of friends from all walks of life. You’re drawn to intelligent, independent and open-minded partners who test the boundaries of conventional mores.

You may be a bit eccentric, especially regarding matters of the heart. You see yourself as impervious to social expectations and may even like to shock others with your relationship choices.

Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn (traditional ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler). As such, there are some Venus in Aquarius individuals who are more “Saturnine” — conservative and traditional. A lot depends on the aspects Venus makes and the relative strengths of both Saturn and Uranus in the natal chart.

For the most part though, Venus in Aquarius people are more Uranian in nature. They tend to live in their heads rather than in their bodies (or their hearts) and can seem emotionally disconnected.

Dealing with Discomfort and Disappointment


by Willows Brilliance, guest blogger 

For most of us, when we are asked what we want in life we have some general answers that reflect our desire for happiness, “I want a good relationship” or “I want a fabulous job” and yet when it comes down to it, we are often unwilling to suffer the pain that comes from uncertainty, from risking our vulnerability with a partner or a new job, from the hard work required to create the realities that we claim to want.

Our modern culture is immersed in INSTANT gratification and touts our happiness as a spiritual goal. As a consequence we have zillions of products, self help books and activities designed to alleviate suffering, get exactly what we want and fix discomfort. 

Valentines Day Email Reading Special


Happy Valentine’s Day!

This month we’ve joined forces with Fiona Beck, tarot reader, relationship counselor and author of Relationships: What you Need to Know, to offer a special low-cost Valentines Day email reading promo.

We’re offering two packages — one for singles and one for couples — for $50 each. The first package — for singles — includes an astrology assessment and a tarot assessment.

The astrology assessment — via Ask the Astrologers — includes your natal chart, a computerized natal astrology report (approximately 8-10 pages, around 3000 words) and a page or so of personal insights (300-500 words) into specific areas of your natal chart that outline your strengths and weaknesses as well anything that stands out or that you should be made aware of.

This portion will be different for each person, but will likely include insights your natal “love planets” (Venus and Mars), your needs (the Moon) and your relationship house and rulers.

The tarot assessment — via Fiona Beck — includes a six-card reading that looks into your past, your current situation, where you’re heading now, what you can do improve your life, obstacles that stand in your way and the potential outcome. You can also ask a question if you want to, but it’s not required, you may just want to be open to what comes up.

Ask the Astrologers: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What can astrology tell us about the prospects for happiness with different relationship partners? By looking at the connections between natal charts and composite  charts, can we determine who we’re better suited for in a long-term capacity?

That’s the question we’re looking at today. A client (we’ll call her Elizabeth) wrote in asking about her connections to two different men.

The first one is her husband (whom we’ll call John). She’s been married to him for more than 10 years although for the most part she’s been unhappy. The other is a friend (whom we’ll call Mark) who she’s developed strong feelings for over the course of  the last few years, although she’s never acted on them.

Ask the Tarot: Is it Time to Move on?

Ask the Tarot: is it time to move on?

My client came to me with a question that I hear all too often. A relationship that’s hit a road block and seems impossible to repair, despite both people still professing love for one another.

In this case though, it’s far more complicated.  Not only are they married, but they have a small child — less than 2 years old.

I want to preface this article with my views on this type of question, as as I explained to her: while I can tell her exactly what I see, in the end I wouldn’t trust such an important decision on the tarot alone and neither should she. I advised her to seek counseling and think long and hard about this before coming to any concrete decision.

Ask the Tarot: Will My Lover Return?

This past August, my client Karen* was blind-sided (her words) by a breakup with her long-term lover Paul.*

They had been together for six years and had discussed marriage. But she started to feel him pulling away after a business trip in the summer and even went so far as to accuse him of having an affair. It turns out her instincts were right. Paul is now seeing the other woman and Karen is struggling with the emotional backlash.

While she’s still reeling from the breakup, and still dealing with a variety of uncomfortable emotions (feeling angry, hurt, confused and betrayed), she realizes she still loves him.

Ask the Tarot: Where is this Relationship Heading?

One of the most common questions that psychics, astrologers and tarot readers are asked is: ”Where is my relationship heading?” This usually comes in the early days of a new relationship, when things are still relatively undefined — but can also come later on in established relationships, after there’ve been a few bumps in the road.

There are so many nuances to this question — just as many as there are to any given relationship, but if you distill it down to its purest essence, the answer to that question boils down to three things: what person A is bringing to the table; what person B is bringing to the table, and the “table” (i.e., relationship) itself.

Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love

We hear so much about men being “from Mars” — and in a lot of ways this is true, at least astrologically.

In general, they tend to relate more to their natal Mars positions and project their Venuses out onto the women (or male partners, if gay) in their lives.

This is in line with the Jungian concept of anima/animus (inner woman or inner man) projections that each of us embody. But this also tells us a great deal about what men are looking for in a mate.

A man’s natal Venus sign placement describes not only what he’s attracted to, but how he’s likely to conduct himself in relationship. It tells us how he expresses love and affection, how he receives love and affection from others, and how he relates to his partner in a one-on-one relationship.It tells what he’s looking for in a soulmate and how capable he is of investing himself emotionally in soulmate relationships.

Ask the Astrologers: Can this Relationship be Restored?


How do you deal with the on-going agony of wondering what went wrong when a relationship ends? Is there hope for reconciliation? Or is it time to move on? This is the question posted by Erica*, in reference to a break up that she’s still struggling to get over.

Dear Melodie: I am submitting a question for advice. My boyfriend broke up with me in June; it was a blindside. I’m wondering if he ever really cared about me, if he was just running scared, and if there will be a chance for reconcil-iation. My birth info is: (edited). Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I really appreciate your advice and expertise. ~ Erica

Soulmate Relationships: The Truth about Venus and Mars

soulmate relationships

There’s been a lot of press about the roles of Venus and Mars in soulmate relationships, but what exactly does that mean in the true astrological context?

Are these two planets the primary indicators of relationship compatibility, or are they just one small part of what makes up a good connection between partners?

Venus and Mars are actually relatively minor factors for determining relationship compatibility, and are rarely “karmic indicators.” They’re good for determining attraction (by sign) but little else.

They’re usually present when there are strong sexual sparks or chemistry at the onset of a relationship, but don’t say much about exclusivity, longevity or commitment.

In the coming weeks, we’ll delve into Venus and Mars from a deeper, more comprehensive perspective. If you’d like to read more about how these planetary energies are expressed for men specifically, you can check out this companion piece: Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love.

Ask the Astrologers: Surviving a Breakup


What happens when one person moves on from a failed relationship while the other is still holding on?

This question relates to a long-standing relationship that ended “abruptly” — or did it?

There were astrological themes shifting into place for some time before the actual breakup.

But as we look at the underlying relationship needs for both of the individuals involved, we can see that while  they might have been in sync at one time, that was no longer the case.

Facing that reality is not only the first step toward healing but also ultimately toward closure.