
October 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Justice

You may be struggling with doing the right thing this month, or you may be trying to make a choice between right and wrong. Sometimes those choices aren’t clear — depending on whatever prerequisites you have in place for making those kinds of determinations.

The Justice card — this version from Jaen Tarot — is about having to live with the choices you make and being able to sleep at night once you’ve made them. This requires an ability to balance the pros and cons of a situation, which requires balancing your head and heart.

Notice that all of the figures in this card have their eyes closed. A small child rests over a giant sleeping fish, as a Madonna figure rises up from the mists of his dreams and watches over them.

The scale she holds in her hand is precariously balanced. Between head and heart. Need and desire. Right and wrong. If any of those were given more weight than the other, that balance would be lost and the quiet contentment disrupted.

The Justice card speaks of a universal justice, divorced from what you want or wish for, and held under the microscope of truth, wisdom and universal law. This means that no matter how desperately you want a specific outcome, the one handed down will be fair and just.

There are karmic repercussions inherent in this card. Whether it’s karma you’re sewing (doing the wrong thing even when you know it’s wrong) or karma that you’re reaping (having to face challenges that are a result of past misdeeds) know that in the end Justice does prevail. Keep that in mind so that you too can sleep at night, knowing that you’ve done the right thing.


August 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Three of Wands

ARIES: Three of Wands

This month you may be bursting at the seams with all the passion and confidence that are needed to put your goals into place.

The Three of Wands — this version from Timothy Lantz’ Archeon Tarot — speaks of a renewed sense of purpose, clarity and motivation – the desire and willingness to “make something happen!”

You may already have a new project in the works, in which case you’re probably beginning to see the fruits of your labors pay off. Or you may be on the verge of launching a new project, and if that’s the case, there’s no better time than the present.

The Three of Wands embodies such a powerful life-force energy that it never permits itself to be “still.” It’s always improving.

Notice how the Pegasus in this deck is both watching over his shoulder (toward what has already been accomplished) and preparing to take flight. There’s a nobility also associated with this card, which is befitting the majestic stance of our winged friend.

You may have recently discovered your life’s purpose. Or you may just now be acting on aspirations that you were too afraid to reach for in the past. This card speaks of a new burst of inspiration, a second wind, and the confidence with which to see it through.

If you’re starting something new try to inject yourself fully into it, as from this point forward you’re going to have opportunities to expand your horizons. Whether that means through travel, enterprise, education or career, the Three of Wands tells you that now is the time to spread your wings and fly!

July 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Six of Swords

ARIES: Six of Swords

You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in doing so will have to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind.

This doesn’t necessarily mean material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.

The Six of Swords — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — is a card of transition and change. Moving from one “place” to another, if only in your mind. Notice how the woman in this card is huddled and shrouded from view. She’s protecting herself from more than just the elements.

She may be mourning the loss of her previous existence, or she may be reflecting on the choices she’s made to leave it all behind. She’s put her faith in the ferryman to get to her safely to her new destination.

Notice too that while the waves are choppy beneath them, they start to smooth out the closer they get to the other shore. And speaking of that other shore, the landscape’s silhouette appears to be promising. It’s lush, flourishing and full of potential.

This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction. The Six of Swords reminds us that we’re not alone. We don’t get to the other side without assistance from someone, even when that “assistance” comes in the form of a setback that forces us to change direction.

It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change. Take some time this month to reflect on where you are and where you want to be heading. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.

June 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Manatee

Has it been all work and no play for you in recent weeks? Or have there been too many responsibilities weighing on your shoulders and not enough letting your hair down and just having fun?

The Manatee, or Six of Shells —  which is the Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Six of Cups — says it’s time to do just that. The Manatees in this card aren’t thinking about all the work piling up at the office or all the emails they have respond to at home.

No they’re fully engaged in a game of catch, while the rest of the world floats by around them. This is the essence of the Six of Shells. Having fun, being playful and immersing yourself in the present rather than fretting about the past.

There’s a childlike innocence and wonder associated with this card. In fact children may figure prominently for you, and the thoughts of your own childhood may be triggered by their presence. If so consider it a call to observe their ability to live in the moment and follow in kind.

The Manatee as an animal totem speaks of companionship, trust and gentle play. It encourages you to take turns, share, and accept those around you for who and what they are.

May 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

It may feel like things are moving very quickly for you this month, with your ruler (Mars) in Gemini and in mutual reception with Mercury.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the fabulous Gypsy Palace Tarot — refers to progress, mobility and rapid change, usually for the better. You could be bursting at the seams with new and fresh ideas, juggling interests or overseeing different projects that all seem to be nearing completion at the same time.

This card refers to being decisive, making the most of your time and cutting through whatever distractions stand in your way. There may be a lot going on around you — like the woman in the center of this card — but the Eight of Wands encourages you to remain focused and engaged in the task at hand.

Look at all of the swirling colors in this card. There’s a lot happening there — and certainly some distractions. But there’s also movement, creativity and energy which are hallmarks of this card.

This is also a networking card. It relates to exchanging ideas and interacting with like-minded people. Blogging, disseminating information, and expanding social horizons are all indicated.

April 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Three of Cups

This month — with several planets moving in and out of your sign — you’re hopefully going to be feeling more fully in your element. This should be a time of renewed opportunities to connect (or reconnect) with loved ones.

The Three of Cups — this version from the wonderful Morgan Greer Tarot — is a joyful and festive card that emphasizes partying and celebrating over work and responsibilities. It also emphasizes friends and casual relationships over serious romantic entanglements.

It refers to being surrounded by like-minded people and putting your differences aside. It’s about coming together and joining forces with those who have your best interests at heart.

The focus is on merriment and gaiety rather than monotony and drudgery. It’s on interacting and networking with others, allowing you to push aside some of your more serious concerns — at least for the time being.

It represents people gathering together to connect, interact and socialize. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls’ night out. 

March 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

the Lovers -- Mary El Tarot

ARIES: The Lovers

Mars and Venus are moving through your sign this month, bringing the traditional “love” planets together, forcing you to deal with relationship conflicts and considerations. The Lovers card is all about relationships and choices that need to be made regarding relationships. These are often complicated by temptations that emerge, forcing you to have to choose between dual principles or desires.

Are you seeing in your own life where an attraction has turned into a fixation or obsession? Or where perhaps you’re relaxing your own set of standards to allow for indiscretions you’ve already made?

The Lovers card says that the stakes are high and that there may be a price to pay for giving into your passions without considering the long term repercussions.

A third party (leading to infidelity on someone’s part) is one strong possibility. But so is a relationship that’s likely to create tensions with family members or society. A same-sex union. A May-December romance. An inter-racial affair. A relationship that is sure to be frowned upon by your religion. A love affair with your co-worker or boss. The possibilities are endless. It can also refer to the union of polarities, as seen in the Mary-el version of the card.

The figures here are about as opposite as they can get: male and female, young and old, black and white.This is said to represent the alchemical marriage. The female figure is strong and aloof, the male passive and vulnerable, She is naked, save for a nautilus shell headdress, while he is draped in purity and light. Yet they flow together in an intimate embrace. Even so, there’s an apparent emotional disconnect in this rendition. The female figure stares off into the distance while the males gazes downward.

The angel watching over them in the background is barely noticeable. She doesn’t assist and she doesn’t interfere. This is something to keep in mind this month as you find yourself struggling with temptation. You do have free will, the choice is ultimately yours, and whatever decision you make will have consequences that you’ll be expected to answer for.

February 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Prince of Wands

ARIES: Prince of Wands

Mars (your ruler) has now moved into your sign. And what better card to depict that energy than the Prince of Wands — the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Knight of Wands? This card speaks of gathering up the courage and confidence that’s needed to go after your goals.

It may be a dream you’d set aside because you lacked the time, energy or resources to follow it n the past. It could be an interest that’s been calling out to you that’s no longer possible to resist. And it might be something (or someone) you’re passionate about that you’re only now in a position to pursue.

The Prince of Wands encourages you to move past your fears and go after your dreams with the attitude that nothing can stand in your way. You don’t want to waiver or second-guess yourself; you want to grab onto opportunities that present themselves without a moment’s hesitation.

This doesn’t mean you ought to go gallivanting across the countryside without a plan. Keep in mind the Prince of Wands can be a bit rash — in an act first and figure out how to get out of whatever predicament you’ve gotten yourself into later sort of way. Because he runs on adrenaline, he has a tendency to lose interest in anything routine.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his confidence and bravado. He may he here to teach you the importance of embracing some of these qualities yourself. But if instead this card represents an energy and attitude you already possess, keep in mind the importance of making preparations and pacing yourself so you don’t run out of steam.

The Prince of Wands is here to remind you that it’s a good time to dream big, challenge yourself and set your goals in motion. If you temper those goals with a enough discipline and perseverance, you may just see them manifest beyond your wildest dreams.

January 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Cups

ARIES: Eight of Cups

This month may see you taking steps toward leaving behind something that no longer sustains you.

The Eight of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees — refers to getting in touch with your values, which can be a painful process. It involves forcing yourself to face certain realities and walk away from something (or from someone) that doesn’t live up to them.

On the upside it means taking the high road and making a transition. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. The Eight of Cups requires you to let go of something — a dream, a relationship, a set of goals, etc. — in order to move to that higher ground.

This is a card of transition, but unlike most, this one comes from conscious choice. It’s not a matter of the Universe throwing a curve-ball at you: it’s a decision arrived at though the realization that what once fulfilled you no longer does.

You may feel alone or abandoned during this time — rejected by a loved one or peers. Yet it’s your own discontent that prompts you to “walk away,” rather than trying to keep up the pretense that those who let you down were ever truly on your side.

This doesn’t refer to loss so much as it does to seeing things more clearly and then using that new-found clarity to head toward higher ground. Like the brightly shining crescent moon in this card, it’s about new beginnings rather than endings. You can see this card as an invitation to strike out on your own, follow your own path and pave your own way.


December 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: The Magician

With Mars (your ruler) and Uranus in mutual reception now, it’s going to be a high energy month for you, with just as much potential for things to go haywire as there is for magic to transpire.

The Magician card — this version from Nora Huszka’s Gypsy Palace Tarot — encourages us to make the best use of all of the resources at our disposal. Especially during stressful times. The Magician — like the Fool — already has everything he needs. But unlike the Fool, he’s consciously aware of it.

Sometimes it’s about learning to harness those energies and sometimes it’s about keeping them afloat. And sometimes it boils down to a precarious balancing act.

Notice the black cat exiting the stage on the right. He’s left his paw prints all the way down the wall and across the backdrop. He’s traipsed all over the stage yet doesn’t seem to have distracted the Magician at all. That’s the kind of composure you wan to cultivate during this time.

While Mars and Uranus bring in unexpected opportunities, there’s also a Jupiter / Uranus opposition to contend with. This can be a volatile aspect that can wreak havoc on your relationships.

There are two ways to handle oppositions. The first one has to do with “owning” one side of the opposition and projecting the other one outwardly, onto another person or an event. The other is to see it as an opportunity to balance and integrate those opposing forces.

The first option often results in crisis (when it comes to Jupiter and Uranus, it doesn’t matter which one you’re owning and which one you’re projecting — it’s not going to be a picnic). And the other has the potential to create “magic” (especially when it comes to Jupiter and Uranus).

Your goal therefore should be head off conflict by working on balancing the “oppositions” in your own life. You may not be able to avoid confrontational people, but how you respond to them is entirely in your hands.That ability to harness your inner conflicts will ultimately provide you with the tools that can help you to handle the outer ones.

November 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Nine of Coins

Your card this month — the Nine of Coins — represents that intricate and fulfilling balance between expressing gratitude and achieving prosperity.

In this version — from the Chinese Tarot — we meet Liu-Hai, the coin-juggling god of abundance and prosperity. Liu-Hai and his loyal servant (a three-legged toad, sitting on his shoulder) are said to bring wealth and prosperity to those who are most deserving.

Liu-Hai is also the protector of needle-makers, not only because they’re needed to thread the red (lucky) ribbons that sting the Chinese coins together, but perhaps also because they represent concepts like dedication and service.

As a symbol of purity and enlightenment, it’s important to note the lotus blossom that Liu-Hai springs from. It’s a reminder to all of us that true wealth comes from rising above the muck, conducting ourselves with grace and integrity, and aspiring to practice right livelihood.

The Nine of Coins represents getting to a point where you’re more than satisfied with what you’ve attained. This relates to money and material possessions, but also to your own sense of self-worth.

October 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi -- Two of Buckets

ARIES: Two of Buckets

Your focus this month is going to be on love, romance and relationships. The Two of Buckets is the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi’s version of the Two of Cups. It’s called “Love” in some versions and “Harmony” in this one.

It speaks of finding your soul mate, your better half, your “one true love.” It’s the card associated with male / female, yin / yang energy and the concept of opposites attracting.

It’s about a love so perfect that the two become one, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. But true love takes on many forms. And it’s often marred by things like fear, jealousy, tension, uncertainty and sex.

And here we see none of these. We see a bond that’s so intimate and affectionate between a young child and her elephant friend. She leans in with a loving embrace and he responds as only an elephant friend would. He sits there patiently and contentedly, with his own offering of love in his trunk.

Jupiter is now in your relationship house, asserting a renewed sense of romantic idealism, as well as an openness to finding the sort of love that belies status quo expectations.

The New Moon also having taken place in this sector promotes the ideal of “self-love.” And what better way to manifest that energy than to see it mirrored back to you in its purest form?

If you’re thinking about diving back into the relationship arena this month, you’d do well to take a leaf from this unlikely pair’s book. Whether you’re in an established relationship now or just looking, holding yourself up to this kind of ideal can only benefit you in the end.